6.3.3 Provide Event Brochures and reports of (Sensitization Programme of the CBME Curriculum Part-II CISP (Curriculum Implementation Support Program Spill Management Outcome Based Education Sensitization Programme of the CBME Curriculum Part-I Sensitization of Faculty to Curriculum Based Medical Education with Photographs with date and caption.

Sensitization Programme of the CBME - I

  Senstization Programme of the CBME 09.03.2019.pdf

Implementation Support Program Spill Management

  Spill Management PDF 04.08.2020.pdf

Outcome Based Education

  Outcome Based Education.pdf

Sensitization Programme of the CBME - II

  Senstization Programme of the CBME 15.03.2019.pdf

Medical Education

  Medical Education Unit_-REPORT_CISP I.pdf

Event Brochures and reports of Medical Education CISP II

  Broucher & Report Medical Education Unit_-REPORT_CISP2.pdf