2.1.2 Provide Document relating to Sanction of intake Provide Extract of No. of application received in each program Provide The details certified by the Controller of Examination or Registrar evaluation clearly mentioning the programs that are not covered under CET and the number of applications received for the same
Document relating to Sanction of intake 2021-22.pdf
Document relating to Sanction of intake 2020-21.pdf
Document relating to Sanction of intake 2019-20.pdf
Document relating to Sanction of intake 2018-19.pdf
Document relating to Sanction of intake 2017-18.pdf
Extract of no of application received in each program - 2021-22.pdf
Extract of no of application received in each program 2020-21.pdf
Extract of no of application received in each program - 2019-20.pdf
Extract of no of application received in each program - 2018-19.pdf
Extract of no of application received in each program - 2017-18.pdf
Programs that are not covered under CET.pdf