5.2.2 Average percentage of placement /self-employed professional services of outgoing students
Details of the training and place cell and training and placement officer
>> 1. Placement Officer.pdf
Employment letters of the following students placed : Anchal Choudhary (2021-22) ; Radhika Sharma (2020-21) Meenakshi(2020-21) , Shruti Gupta (201920) for the metric 5.2.2
>> 2. Employment Letters - Anchal Choudhary (2021-22).pdf
>> 2. Employment Letters - MEENAKSHI(2020-21).pdf
>> 2. Employment Letters - Radhika Sharma (2020-21).pdf
>> 2. Employment Letters - SHRUTI GUPTA (201920).pdf
Number of students placed/self employed
>> 3. Number of students placed & self employed.pdf